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As an investor you can securely view and manage your investment details through MUFG Pension & Market Services.
MUFG Pension & Market Services is Crossgate Capital's Registrar. You can view your investment portfolio, indicate your preference for electronic communications, provide your e-mail address, change your details or update other instructions by visiting the MUFG Pension & Market Services Investor Centre.
You can also keep track of how many Shares you hold and the current value of your investment. Using the automated reinvestment portal allows you to reinvest in your time and at your pace.
Crossgate Capital is focused on reducing our carbon footprint whilst providing you with timely corporate updates and disclosures. To sign up to receive your shareholder communications via email please update your details at the MUFG Pension & Market Services Investor Centre.
For any questions about your investment, please contact Crossgate Capital at any time, and we will be pleased to assist.
For any administrative questions, you can also contact the Registrar directly, at;
MUFG Pension & Market Services
Level 30, PwC Tower
15 Customs Street West
Auckland 1010
Phone: 09 375 5998
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